
Full Registration

  • For each paper accepted by IEEE DSC2019 or one of the workshops, at least one author must register at the full rate (IEEE Member Registration/Non IEEE Member Registration), even if all authors are students.( 每篇论文必须按照会员或非会员全价注册,不能按照学生价注册
  • If you have multiple accepted papers, each paper must have a separate full registration.

  All attendees/participants should register to the conference. We have discounts for IEEE members and students. There is also early-bird rates. The registration fees are as follows.

   1. Advance Registration (early-bird deadline is 13 June 2019)
Type Rate
IEEE Member Registration (conference & workshop) $620 or CNY 4200
Non IEEE Member Registration(conference & workshop) $745 or CNY 5100
Student IEEE Member Registration(conference & workshop) $435 or CNY 3000
Student Non IEEE Member Registration(conference & workshop) $525 or CNY 3600

  2. Late/On-site Registration

Type Rate
IEEE Member Registration (conference & workshop) $745 or CNY 5100
Non IEEE Member Registration(conference & workshop) $895 or CNY 6100
Student IEEE Member Registration(conference & workshop) $525 or CNY 3600
Student Non IEEE Member Registration(conference & workshop) $630 or CNY 4300

    • The registration allows you to participate both the conference and affiliated workshops, daily coffee breaks and lunch, reception, banquet, and it includes the conference or workshop proceedings on a USB drive.

Payment Way

1. For authors NOT located in China mainland

For authors who are not located in China mainland, please use credit card, and follow the following link, to pay:

For each paper accepted by IEEE DSC'19 or workshops, please ADD NOTES to your registration

  • DSC2019 (or workshop name) + Your paper ID + Your name

2. For authors located in China mainland (中国大陆作者注册)

    银行账号:3301 0401 6001 2778 430

    如果是主会论文请加备注:DSC2019 +您论文编号ID + 发票抬头 + 您的姓名
    如果是Workshop论文请加备注:DSC2019 + 您workshop的缩写名 + 您论文编号ID + 发票抬头 + 您的姓名
    非作者参会注册请加备注:DSC2019 + 您workshop的缩写名 + 发票抬头 + 您的姓名+参会

会议注册费,转账付款完成之后,请将以下内容发送至[email protected]并CC至[email protected],以便确认付款成功及开具发票:

  • 文章的ID(Workshop文章请以邮件通知中的ID为准)
  • 您的姓名
  • 如果是IEEE会员方式付款,请注明IEEE会员的Member/Customer Number
    (打开;登录后在页面右上角点击自己的姓名,将进入个人账户界面;点击"Manage personal profile"后可以看到Member/Customer Number)
  • 汇款记录扫描件
  • 说明开发票的要求:单位抬头、单位税号、发票类型(普票或专票)

Visa application

    If you need an invitation letter for visa application to China for the IEEE DSC 2019 conference, please contact:
    [email protected] with the following information:
      Passport Number

    If you are an author of IEEE DSC 2019 paper (main conference paper, workshop paper or poster paper),
    please also include the paper id, title
